Wednesday, 30 September 2009

nobody likes a quitter

not that it would ever encourage me to take up smoking, i do absolutely love this picture, which hangs alongside two others in london's groucho club. try as they might, health boards and bodies cannot convince us that smoking is not cool, it seems the link between cigarettes and kudos just cannot be severed and artwork like this in exclusive haunts like the groucho only adds to this.

Monday, 28 September 2009

finally some sonia i can afford

going where matthew williamson, karl lagerfield and the lycra lovin' madonna have gone before, h&m today announced its upcoming collaboration with the inimitable 'queen of knits' sonia rykiel. her sweater dresses and bold designs have long since been causing a stir on the catwalks but until now her pieces have remained outwith the budgets of mere mortals like myself (even the sonia stuff @ urban outfitters is at the most expensive end of this pricey store). so suffice to say i'm VERY excited to see sonia's range for high street giant h&m. i like to think i'm not taken in by gimicky collaborations and celebrity lines and then a savvy brand like hennes goes and pulls on my heart strings... all i ask is that sonia's diffusion line retains her signature fun and vivacity. oh, and please don't make too many - i don't want to buy a bright, bold piece only to walk down the street and see three others wearing the exact same. oh, but please do make enough so that i don't have to queue overnight just to get whatever piece i will inevitably fall in love with...

some people have no shame

who on earth would give their beautiful wooden headboard in to an antique furniture store with their kinky cuffs still hooked up to the bedpost!? i have no idea but this find in a north london junk shop tickled me this afternoon. fetish fodder aside, this veritable aladdin's cave had lots of gorgeous 'pre-loved' furniture, books and lamps. i bought a much-needed curved mahogony wardrobe which will look perfect once filled.

Wednesday, 16 September 2009

a bar in a clothes store is a dangerous concept

okay, so it was for one night only, but the bar in oxford's street's new pull and bear store was pretty fun.