going where matthew williamson, karl lagerfield and the lycra lovin' madonna have gone before, h&m today announced its upcoming collaboration with the inimitable 'queen of knits' sonia rykiel. her sweater dresses and bold designs have long since been causing a stir on the catwalks but until now her pieces have remained outwith the budgets of mere mortals like myself (even the sonia stuff @ urban outfitters is at the most expensive end of this pricey store). so suffice to say i'm VERY excited to see sonia's range for high street giant h&m. i like to think i'm not taken in by gimicky collaborations and celebrity lines and then a savvy brand like hennes goes and pulls on my heart strings... all i ask is that sonia's diffusion line retains her signature fun and vivacity. oh, and please don't make too many - i don't want to buy a bright, bold piece only to walk down the street and see three others wearing the exact same. oh, but please do make enough so that i don't have to queue overnight just to get whatever piece i will inevitably fall in love with...
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